Friday, October 23, 2015

35 Weeks and 6 Days

It's incredible to think that in less than 4 weeks, I am going to be someone's mommy. I am certain of the date, only because we are a scheduled c-section due a previous surgery along my abdomen. Even still, I am not even sure that it has even hit me yet. I am think this is because I feel generally calm and haven't freaked out yet. I am excited for the baby, sure... but calm enough to not start worrying about all the little things. Are you buying any of this?

Yesterday, we had a growth scan, along with my NST (non-stress test). I am relieved to say that we are in the 55% with a healthy weight of just 5lbs 14oz! And to think that just last week I had a doctor tell me that I must be having a BIG baby! That woman needs a filter!
There is so much to say about this pregnancy. It hasn't been particularly easy but it hasn't been too difficult, either. Unfortunately, I do have GD (gestational diabetes) and dealing with that piece has been more of a pain in the butt than anything.
The GD, restless legs, exhaustion, and moodiness may not be so fun but with every kick and jab that I feel from baby makes it all worth it. There is nothing like sitting there in the silence after a trying day and suddenly feel your tummy poke out or make ripples. Knowing that there is a little person in there immediately takes your mind from negativity to a place of complete joy. I can't help myself - I could gush for days over that feeling.
Today I am trying to take care of things I know I won't have time for once baby arrives. This means that I am wrapping Christmas presents, putting new linens on the guest bed in anticipation of visitors (aka my MIL), cleaning and organizing. I could be relaxing but there is way too much that I want to do!
These are such exciting times but I know the real joy is just around the corner. I can't wait!
happy Friday! 'till later...

1 comment:

  1. "Are you buying any of this?" Nope, not buying it! You? Not worrying? HAHAHAHA! <3 You know I am just kidding. You are going to be an AWESOME mommy! I know this because you are an AWESOME friend:)


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